Monday, December 10, 2007

Glad I Followed my Gut

I was at work this morning when my mom called: the school sent Hannah home from school because she was running a temperature and was feeling sick to her stomach. So, she brought Hannah home and got her to lay down.

She then proceeded to tell me that somehow Shawn became upset because she was feeding Shawn e hot french toast sticks and he didn't think they'd cooled down and she went ahead and fed them to him...

Then, as I am on the phone with her, SHAWN calls, hang up with her and talk to Shawn...told me school sent Hannah home sick and he was calling the doctor to find out what they said, was asking Hannah about how she was feeling...Mom told him her version, Hannah told him how she was feeling, she was feeling sick to her stomach, she didnt get sick and she had a low-grade fever.

So, I came home around 10 and got the kids a bite to eat, Shawn called dr and we noticed the lump on the side of her neck in her limph node and called the doctor back and got an appointment for afternoon.

Sure enough, she has strep throat, so no school for her tomorrow.

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