Saturday, September 8, 2012

I'm Back!

Wow! I know I haven't been on in a long, 7 months I think, but that is because I have just been lazy. I want to blog. I want to write because for a while I was on facebook all the time, but I just get lazy because I want to write about it all and post pictures and it just seems like it takes so much time!

Anyways, Shawn and I are in our next to last semesters of college (hopefully) and I will be so glad when that chapter of life is over! It is so tiring doing endless amounts of homework...Algebra takes freekin hours...but we are working through it and right now just wanting it over with.

We are also thinking about selling the house and moving. I want out of the town away from the kids here. I don't like the kids that live around here and their influence on my girl. I want my boy to get out and be a boy. So that is something we are looking into...soon, very soon.

Shawn got back in touch with his father over the summer too. I thought that was great...he needs to have a relationship with his dad, I think it will help with how he interacts with his own son.

I was also reunited with my brother, and got to go to his long overdue wedding!

So it has been an interesting year so far and I am trying to sum it all up but I will post more about it if I think about it. I will try to blog more regular...I had thought about having a theme to give me ideas to blog about. We will see, but I am glad I took the time to do this and at least get this started back up. Will post again soon!!