Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wow, What a Christmas!

This is a Christmas I will remember for a long time. Why? Because my older brother came by for a visit. I have not spent more than about 5 minutes with him since Hannah was around 3 (and she's 7 years old now). We got back in touch recently, and I have been doing what I have to do to arrange to spend time with him to make up for all the years we missed out on.

In addition, he brought along my 14 year old niece, Krista. She and the kids played in the livingroom with Christmas gifts while Shawn, me, David and my mom were in the kitchen catching up.

We have a long way to go, and it's going to be tough, but, that is ok.

Anyways, I'm making one of my goals to getting this blogging thing down so that I can share more with family and whomever.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Check This Out!

Grant a cool is this? Follow the links:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Choices, Choices! Too Many Choices!

My brain hurts everytime I go to the store (when I'm not working that is). If there are 3 choices, there are a dozen, and, why? This is why I believe people are extra crabby and irritated. I know I am. If I can go someplace and not have to chose between 5 different brands, and then how one kind does this, while another does that--come on!!

Example? Shampoo. There is White Rain, Suave, Johnson& Johnson, oh, my God, just to name a few. And each brand has the "type": for normal, oily, dry hair, they have one designed for color treated hair!!!???

I don't get it. I really don't. They are trying to make us mental. There is no need for all these choices. Honestly.

Makeup, handbags, wallets, shoes, the list goes on.

Whatever happened to being simple and having a few choices and leaving it at that?

To be continued....

Friday, September 19, 2008

Check it Out: Martha Blogs!

One of my fellow bloggers has posted a link to Martha Stewart's blog, where she is running a blog contest. Here is a direct link to her blog, check it out:

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pet Peeves

We all have them, and believe me, i'm glad my mother taught me to bite my tongue, because I would be so hated...

Here are a few of mine:

-standing in the middle of the entrance to the grocery rude--carrying on a conversation, no less! Excuse me, get out of the road, people! It's not a one-way street.

(**Warning: this may piss people off, but, it's more of a safety pet peeve that anything else)

-PEOPLE WHO TALK ON THEIR CELL PHONES WHILE DRIVING! Come on, people. I have a standing rule when it comes to cell phones and cars. If I am driving, the only person I answer the phone for is my hubby and if he is with me, I don't answer at all. This is a safety concern. You do not need to talk to anyone that bad. All my friends know if my phone rings and then goes to voicemail, I'm probably driving, and will eventually call them back. When I am driving, the road gets my full undivided attention. I am a master multi-tasker, and yes, I do talk on my phone A LOT, but not behind the wheel. If I know someone I'm talking to is driving, I tell them to call me when they aren't driving, or ask them to pull over.

-TELEMARKETERS, I have voicemail and know how to use it!!

UnPlanned Time

Here is a brief summary of my vacation so far:

This is what Shawne's bedroom looks like after we tore down the loft bed. Now, his mattress us up off the floor, and he has storage under his bed.

This is what my yard looked like after we emptied it out thursday morning. We worked in there from after 9 until after about 5 that afternoon. Stopped long enough to eat.

Will post more pictures of the weekend as I download them.

Monday, June 16, 2008


I know I haven't been around for a while, but, shit happens. Everything from doctor's appointments, work, hubby's p/t, house repairs, blah, blah, blah. Stuff you really want to hear about, I'm sure.

No, I have not been totally non-existant. I have a yahoo blog that I vent to. BUT, I felt the need to put some TLC here. Aren't you glad?

Honestly, I don't have a lot of time to post here. Too damn complicated. Flippin' html and crap, hell, I don't know what that shit is. I know enough to know that I don't have time to sit down and translate it. That is why my blog is so plain :).


When I have more time and know more, I'll add some **dazzle** to this thing. ITMT (in the mean time) bear with me.

Why do they have to make everything so complicated??

More later when I'm not so out of ideas...LOL!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

This is Awesome!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Spring at Last!

This is a picture of my hubby standing in the playset, it's not complete, but it's finished enough that the kids can play on it.

Today, we had our Easter Egg Hunt. It was just the four of us, and my mom, and my in-laws.

We had a simple dinner (ham sandwiches, potato salad, veggie tray, and cheesecake. As as an extra, I bought some Peanut Butter Cookies from my friend Casey.

After dinner, we cleaned up, the kids went out to hide more eggs between the two of them, and not they are relaxing indoors.

Not much else to say right now so, I'm going until I get the pictures downloaded.

Take care!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Much About Nothing...Literally

Since my brain is in shut-down mode (meaning it's too close to time to go to bed), I really don't have anything to say. I'm posting because I haven't posted in a while and felt guilty--sorry.

Don't forget to set clocks ahead. Yeah, I know. I gotta set my clock before I go to bed.

Hmm, what else? oh! I have Easter Sunday off!!

Yay! I'm fun tonight!

Told you, I'm not writing about much of anything other than stupid nonsense. Hopefully I'll have something more interesting to write about tomorrow.

Monday, March 3, 2008

When it Rains, it Pours!

OMG! Has this been just a crazy week, or what?

My kids are taking turns getting sick (Hannah got sick last week from our trip to Wendy's) she ate in the wrong order and I think it settled on her stomach the wrong way. Shawne got sick tonight, and I have yet to know what made him sick.

Hannah lost her tooth--on the 29th! She was so excited. But, the toothfairy didn't show up that night, she waited until Saturday night.

We bought the kids their outdoor play set. Shawn and Jack brought it home today. I think that is going to be Shawn's project for Thursday.

I am finally loosing the cough. I have it every now and then, but, I'm not spitting up the nasty phlem anymore, and blowing my nose every 5 minutes, UGH!

But, Lord am I thankful to be over that mess I had last month--OMG! My chest hurt, sinuses hurt, my bones, heck everything hurt!

Anyways...I"m gonna go post on yahoo.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Check Out Company Girl

Do you want to add some peace and simplicity to your life? Check out this blog. Cool.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Month and Still Smoke-Free

I am still smoke free. I don't think I could smoke a cigarette now if I tried, being how sick I have been. I just got over a two- week bout with the flu and broncitis.

Not fun.

At all. OMG, I was out two days the 4th and 5th, off 6&7, back to work on the 8th with antibiotics, had taken the last of them and woke up Thursday morning to start it all over again. Worked all weekend into Sunday and went home an hour after I got there. Went home, curled up on my chaise lounge (that we'd just moved the furniture around when my second bout kicked in), I got up to use the bathroom. That was it. Mom took Shawn to work and Casey took a cab.

Long story short, I finally started to feel normal at the beginning of last week (weekend after Valentines Day).

Finally got grocery shopping caught up (went out and got groceries Wed when it was snowing, but we had no food, so I had no choice). Took care of bills. Started on the laundry...

my next goal? To start what I intended on starting when I got sick the first time. My menu. Routine planning. Everything.

So, God Bless, and enjoy your evening!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Frazzled Mom

Todays blog can be read by clicking on the following link:

Saturday, January 12, 2008

No Smoking: 1 WEEK TODAY

It has been one week today since I began the journey to quit smoking. I can tell you that in the course of the week I have been tempted several times, but, I am sticking to my guns. I have decided it's far worth eating more than being sick all the time like I was.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

No Smoking: DAY 5

I thought I posted last night, but, I guess I didn't. No, I did not start smoking again. I have went almost a week without a cigarette and I am happily reaping the rewards!

I have decided for every day I go without a cigarette, I will do something or treat myself to something.

I have already noticed a difference in not only how I feel, but I can think more clearly now. That may not make sense to you but, for me it's almost like someone tore open the curtains and shed light on me. I can understand more logical things and I can comprehend better. I don't feel as stressed and rushed.

Monday, January 7, 2008

No Smoking: DAY 3

I figured I'd go ahead and post this while I can hold my eyes open.

Today was yet another sucessful smoke free day. Plenty of eating, too.

I have to say that I am counting calories, but that is to see how much I can eat in 24 hours!

Come on payday!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

No Smoking: DAY 2

Another day, no cigarette! But, have I been eating plenty...hehehe!

I had a jelly filled honeybun for breakfast, a Hormel's Meatloaf meal and Chocolate Creme Dessert at lunchtime, when I got home, I made Roast Beef Hash and Scrambled Eggs, and now I'm eating a tuna sandwich (because I'm not full yet). I'll go finish off the rest of the tuna, and get something to drink and go to bed :)

Saturday, January 5, 2008

No Smoking, DAY 1

I decided this morning, since I had my last cigarette last night, to not buy another pack and quit. Well, I bought a pack on the way home from work (no cigarettes all day :) ), but they were for my hubby.

So far, so good. I have to find other things to occupy me (more eating!), so I know our grocery bill will grow, but I am tired of being sick and haveing to wear layers of clothes to work because I go outside to smoke. NO MORE!

So, to help me keep track and to pin point weak spots, I have decided to journal everything. So, here's to healthy lungs and a bigger me!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!! 2008

We begin another year, and just like the last, make resolutions.

I have decided to make a list of changes I want to make in the new year--not necessarily resolutions.

I plan to eat healthier, spend more time with my children, simplify my life, I'm not going to busy myself and do too much, and I plan on taking my business to another level.

I plan on changing my routines to be more efficient.

I will keep you updated.