Friday, August 6, 2010

Playing Catchup...Working on New Routines for Fall

Wow, summer is almost over and in a way it seems like it just flew by!

So much has happened in the past few weeks and I'm slowly starting to slow down and just enjoy my time and my life and not wish away my days.  It's amazing how being in certain situations make you just sit back and realize how enjoyable they can be.

I started the summer waiting for my 10 day vacation from work in early July, because I was looking forward to the possibility of a new career. One where I thought I could slow down and catch my breath.  Well, God had other plans, and I'm glad he did!  Right after I contacted the company I was interviewing to work for, the school I was planning on attending, at some point, called to check on my admission!!  It was God, that is all there is to it. The door closed on the employment opportunity, but he opened the door for me to go back to school, how awesome is that?!!

So, that has kept me going, getting my kids ready for going back to school is keeping me going, work is, well, still there, but I am learning to leave it in God's hands. I'm excited that I'm going back to school and I will be able to focus more on whats important and hope to keep distractions at bay, lol.

Work on my book is slow, but I plan on making time for that in between school work and family time.  After today, I really need to get it done and am feeling really strong urges.  Today my oldest daughter Stephanie turned 17 years old and I guess I thought about it all for too long and it had me beside myself. I'm not allowing myself to feel or deal with the hurt and it is causing me to be an emotional wreck. I know I need to get it out and deal with my feelings but I have to also focus on whats right for my youngest two and whats fair to my hubby. So I keep myself distracted by housework, and anything that keeps me from thinking.

This fall, I hope for things to be different, and I plan on prioritizing my time and doing what counts. I have realized that you only live once and when you have lived with what I have lived with, and all the loss, you learn to enjoy what you get and not let go.

I'd like to do a lot of things but I want to do what is most meaningful and what will do the most good.

So while I am still working on what I'm doing, I will keep you posted.  I will try to log again before I start school this fall.
