Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pet Peeves

We all have them, and believe me, i'm glad my mother taught me to bite my tongue, because I would be so hated...

Here are a few of mine:

-standing in the middle of the entrance to the grocery rude--carrying on a conversation, no less! Excuse me, get out of the road, people! It's not a one-way street.

(**Warning: this may piss people off, but, it's more of a safety pet peeve that anything else)

-PEOPLE WHO TALK ON THEIR CELL PHONES WHILE DRIVING! Come on, people. I have a standing rule when it comes to cell phones and cars. If I am driving, the only person I answer the phone for is my hubby and if he is with me, I don't answer at all. This is a safety concern. You do not need to talk to anyone that bad. All my friends know if my phone rings and then goes to voicemail, I'm probably driving, and will eventually call them back. When I am driving, the road gets my full undivided attention. I am a master multi-tasker, and yes, I do talk on my phone A LOT, but not behind the wheel. If I know someone I'm talking to is driving, I tell them to call me when they aren't driving, or ask them to pull over.

-TELEMARKETERS, I have voicemail and know how to use it!!

UnPlanned Time

Here is a brief summary of my vacation so far:

This is what Shawne's bedroom looks like after we tore down the loft bed. Now, his mattress us up off the floor, and he has storage under his bed.

This is what my yard looked like after we emptied it out thursday morning. We worked in there from after 9 until after about 5 that afternoon. Stopped long enough to eat.

Will post more pictures of the weekend as I download them.