Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Making Some Changes...slowly...

I hope you have noticed some of the changes I have made to my blog. I know it has been a while since I posted, but things have been busy around here in the household, and with me. I had been meaning to post several times, and have had A LOT of opportunities, but I guess I was just too lazy, lol. Well, in the midst of all that, I had been thinking about giving my blog a makeover and update the look. I honestly thought the old layout was too dark, and somewhat hard to read. So, after trying out several layouts, I decided to stick with this one.

You might also noticed, I updated the 'description', because it better and, more acurately describes this blog. I have searched all over the net to find other mom blogs that are 'real', which is what I am after, just to get a feel of what I might like for this one. My purpose for this blog, especially for those who know the family personally, is for you to be able to experience our life with us...for real. When you read my blog, I want you to feel almost like you are right there. That is why I said that we are real. No pictures of decorative couches, or fancy walls, or anything like that. I want to share the real stuff.

I also added the mobile blogger, so that I don't have to be at my computer (Shawn's going to laugh at this one if he reads this...) all the time. I spend more time here than I should, but I want to record all the good stuff to share with everyone. This will not only get me away from the computer more (ha,ha!) BUT, I will be able to enjoy the experience more myself.

Anywhoo... on to updating life around the house...

...we are still dealing with the snow. Thankfully, we can go to work now, but there is still the little issue of school. The last I heard Berkeley County is on a 2 hour delay...I love my kids, but, I think they are ready to go back to school. The endless fighting tells me they have been away TOO long!

Anyhow, I have to go so that I can get more coffee, and decide what I am going to do to keep myself awake until 8:00 tonight (when the kids go to bed)...I kinda fell asleep earlier on the couch for about an hour, but I'm going to still need something to keep the eyes open (which is why I read blogs a lot, so unlike reading books)...

Bye for now!

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